Saturday, 30 November 2013

'Superman IV - The Quest for Peace' commentary

And so!

Here we are, finally at the end of our Christopher Reeve journey! We've had good films, we've had bad films, we've had Dick Donner, we've had Dickhead Lester (allegedly) - but now, we reach the end, with what some might term the jewel in the Superman crown!

It's a film notorious, but does 'Quest for Peace' deserve its negative reputation? Is there, like Darth Vader, good within it? There's only one way to be sure and that's to tune in to the newest entry in the Marvel Vs DC movie mash-up!

'Superman IV - The Quest for Peace' Commentary

It's a SUPER price

Sunday, 17 November 2013

'Goats in the Machine' presents 'Superman and Superman II: The Donner Kebab'

As we at WHINECAST cast our eyes towards the frankly terrifying horizon of Superman 3, @RJBayley and @niallheseltine of Goats in the Machine are treating us to a look back at the first two Christopher Reeve Superman films, but this time with a twist- these chaps have gone off the grid and decided to focus their discussion on the 2006 Richard Donner cut of Superman II, comparing it to the rather...interesting choices displayed by mid-shoot replacement director Richard Lester.

What follows is a joy to behold and makes us ask some key questions about the wisdom of multi-film productions, the dangers of misinterpreting an iconic character, but, most importantly raises the most vital question of the project yet, namely, is Superman actually a plant?

'Superman and Superman II: The Donner Kebab'

Thursday, 14 November 2013

'Superman III'

Hallo there, mash-up friends! It can't have escaped your attention that it's November, which clearly makes it the second half of our Christopher Reeve extravaganza - this time the focus being on the decidedly...mixed 'Superman III'. This entry sees our 'old friend' and alleged dickhead Richard Lester taking the franchise reigns with undeserved confidence and delivering a film which is enough to cow even the most stout hearted of cinematic warriors. So, buckle up, turn off the gas and unfurl your pipes - it's time to get serious. 'Superman III' Commentary WARNING: This film may rank alongside such hits as 'The Terminator' and 'The Matrix' when it comes to cinema causing viewers to tremble in fear at the thought of the inevitable and brutal mechanical revolution that awaits us all.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Superman: The Vendetta Begins' by @proroan

Howdy, Mash-Up fans!

The delightful @proroan of Apparently Ranty is joining us once again, this time for a look at the legendary, genre defining, and possibly decent 'Superman' (1978) directed, of course, by our old friend Dick Donner.

We at WHINECAST had definite reservations about the classic status bestowed upon 'Superman', so read on to see if @proroan agrees or not and whether we need to pop 'round to his and give him a stern talking to, if you take my meaning.

'Superheroes all have origins and so have to have origin stories. The trauma of betrayal that awoke crime fighting desire or the bestowal of cosmic gifts need to be explained in order for the audience to buy into the hero and his code of ethics. Now Superman is arguably the purest of all superheroes, the embodiment of hope, morality and humanitarianism the very best of mankind. But he's an alien. How can you reconcile his stellar immigration and emergence as the World's Boy Scout?'

Monday, 4 November 2013

@proroan presents 'Batman (1966) or POW! How to Kill an Acting Career'


This time, we're welcoming back young @proroan of 'Apparently Ranty' back to the mash-up, fresh off his analysis of 'Superman and the Mole-men', he dives back into the mean streets of Gotham where only one playboy billionaire can hold off the hordes of degenerate filth from consuming his once fair city. It's just him, the young boy in pants who lives in his cave, and his trusty series of animal repellent Bat-sprays!

'So, here we go with my first foray into the Marvel vs DC Movie Mashup and it's all the way back to 1966. World Cups and Harold Wilson, Blonde on Blonde and an Everton FA Cup win. But none of that really matters. Not when you're thinking about superheroes.

I'm a child of the '80s and I know two Batmans. One is the Dark Knight: stoic, emotionally stunted and very, very serious. The other is a camp cowboy in grey, unflattering cotton lycra mix with speech bubbles that come out of his hands.'

Read Me...

'Goats in the Machine' review BATMAN (1966)

Our Marvel and DC mash-up plows along like the blogging juggernaut it is, this week aided by the sterling work of fantastic blogger/podcast @RJBayley, creator of Goats in the Machine .

In this installment, he's joined by mash-up partner @niallheseltine and #tmot stalwart @wanderingloulou as they look back at 1966's BATMAN, the Adam West fronted spectacular, and try to determine whether 60s era Batman is an incarnation to be cherished, or a betrayal of the very roots of the character.

Check out their spiffing discussion below!

'Batman the Movie' Review