Thursday, 24 April 2014

'Iron Man' commentary


After almost a year of podcasting about the various antics of the caped crusader and that bloke of steel, we're finally ready to put some Marvel into this Marvel Vs DC Mash-up!

Yep, we're kicking off the next stage of the project by turning our eyes to the very first instalment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, when The Avengers was but a hopeful dream and we all had endured fewer Loki fangirls. But before we get there, we have the curious first entry, Jon Favreu's 'Iron man', a 2008 release that took a comparatively lesser known character like Tony Stark and brought him up to the very biggest of leagues, kicking off a series of films that continue to pummel us relentlessly.

So, sit down with a fine brandy, possibly a cigar, and get ready to fiddle about with things in your workshop until you've got yourself the makings of a leviathan cinematic franchise!

'Iron Man' Commentary

Amazon purchase

Goats in the Machine' turns their eyes skyward!

Good day to you!

The mash-up is about to leave behind ol' Supes for some time, but before we do, our good friends and possible alcoholics @RJBayley and @niallheseltine are going to be casting their eyes over Bryan Singer's 2006 entry 'Superman Returns'.

But they're not taking on this task alone, oh no! This time, they're bringing @EyesSkyward with them for the journey, a handsome, cultured chap who also coincidentally happens to be a real, genuine Superman-ologist!

Enough jibber jabber, press play on this bad boy and prepare to go Up, Up and Away!

'Superman Returns' Review

'Apparently Ranty' analyses what happens when a Superb Man returns!

Hey, Kids!

Our good friend @proroan is back to take a look at 2006's 'Superman Returns', the film that was intended to reignite an audience's love for the man of steel on a scale that would challenge Chrissy Nolan's rebooted Batman from just a year earlier.

Where did it succeed? Where did it fail?

Let @proroan tell you!

'Superman Returns' Review